Work, Worship, Study and Play


by Bradwell Office
Wednesday 29th July 2020

We are sad to note the death of Tony Sinden, an Othona member for many years, and one for
whom the Community has cause to be truly grateful. As Community Treasurer from 1988-1995,
Tony was in charge of finances during the major fund-raising project set up to establish the first
permanent building at Bradwell, The existence of the Norman Motley building is due in no small
part to the skills and dedication Tony brought to the task.
Tony first visited Othona Bradwell in 1964 with his wife, Anna, and their growing family.
A holiday at Bradwell became an annual event in the family calendar and later their children,
Frieda, David, Heather and Philip, made individual visits to Othona. Sadly, in early 1969, Anna
was diagnosed with MS. As... Read More

by Bradwell Office
Wednesday 15th July 2020

The minutes of the last BCC meeting are now available. Please click on the link below.

Minutes of BCC Zoom Meeting 2 July 2020

by Bradwell Office
Tuesday 14th July 2020

We are planning to run themed virtual events over the summer using Zoom. We will let you know the exact programme for each event and how you can join in as soon as possible. This is an initial schedule of events but it is subject to change at this stage. We hope that those staying here during these events will also join in.

Wednesday August 6th - Meet the Team - The ESC volunteers introduce themselves and talk about where they come from;

Saturday August 8th - Othona Flower and Produce Show;

Sunday evening August 9th to Friday August 14th - Art Week;

Monday August 17th - Friday August 21st - Permaculture Week;

Monday August 24th - Friday August 28th - Astronomy Week 

August Bank Holiday - Virtual Greenbelt.

by Bradwell Office
Monday 13th July 2020

You might be interested in this book, edited by Johanna Dale. It features articles by the Community members, Kevin Bruce and Warren Harper. Please find attached in the link below a short summary of the content.

St. Peter-on-the Wall: heritage and landscape on the North Sea Coast

by Bradwell Office
Sunday 12th July 2020

In case you were wondering what a trip to Othona Bradwell would be like during these covid-19 days then you can watch our helpful video starring Jenne, Susanne and Tom. It covers the changes that we have put into place here to keep everyone safe. If you haven't yet booked then please consider coming here over the summer, there is so much space to enjoy. Follow the link below to watch the video. If you still have any questions please do get in touch with us (

Othona Bradwell and covid-19

by Bradwell Office
Thursday 9th July 2020

We have a  Newsletter for June, written and produced by Maria, one of our ESC volunteers this year. You can find out what has been happening at Othona Bradwell over the last 6 months, just click on the link below.

June 2020 Newsletter

by Bradwell Office
Wednesday 8th July 2020

We have had a tremendous response to the Othona fundraising campaign so far. As ever the Community has been really generous in supporting the work of Othona. If you have not yet read the letter from Ruth Bull, Chair of the Bradwell Committee, outlining the difficult financial position that Othona is now in then please find a link below:

Bradwell Fundraising Letter

If you have not yet had the opportunity to make a donation and would like to then please visit our donations page where you can either do a bank transfer, use Paypal or use the one-click donation site or if you prefer send a cheque. 

Make a donation... Read More

by Bradwell Office
Wednesday 8th July 2020

Last weekend we reopened Othona for visitors to come and stay. We had a lovely weekend with Mary and Lesley, who seemed to enjoy being back at Othona again.  We would love to see more of you coming here so please have a look at the details on our website of how to book and details of the changes we have implemented for the safety of all onsite following government COVID-19 guidelines. We are not able to offer the same summer programme as originally planned but do hope to run some virtual events on some of the themes, we will keep you posted on these. Please do get in touch with us if you have any questions ( or just make a booking! If you want different dates or a longer period than that specified on the programme just get in... Read More

by essex.webmaster
Thursday 25th June 2020

Don't forget that the deadline to submit your thoughts on the proposed Bradwell B power station is the 30th June. Please go to the official site for Bradwell B (, where you can check the scale of the plans and register your views during this consultation phase. Please also write to your local MP on this matter of national interest. Othona members and friends have suggested the links below for local campaign groups that you might find helpful for an alternative view point (these are not verified or endorsed by Othona): (Blackwater Against New Nuclear Group)
There is also a petition to stop the... Read More

by Bradwell Office
Friday 19th June 2020

You are probably aware of the proposed plans to build a new nuclear power station at Bradwell and that this is still at the consultation stage. The Trustees have sent a letter to the BrB CEO addressing the potential impact such a development would have on our Bradwell site and the Othona business. You can read a summary of this letter in the link below. We encourage you to express your views on these plans by contacting your local MP and via the Bradwell B website ( The deadline  for submissions to the consultation process is the 30th June.

Bradwell B Community Letter