Work, Worship, Study and Play


by essex.webmaster
Friday 4th May 2018

Over the last week we have bid farewell to Dave and Sandra, who have worked at Othona for the last three years. They have made a huge contribution over this time and will be sorely missed here. They are off for new adventures in Nottingham and we wish them well in this exciting move. Fortunately they will be back again in the summer but this time to relax. Then it was time to say goodbye to all of our wonderful EVS volunteers who have worked here for the last year. Yannis, Anouk and Tosca have worked really hard during their time here and been great fun to have around, we will miss them. They are all returning home for the summer (Greece, France and Italy) but thankfully Tosca is coming back to volunteer again in the summer. 

by essex.webmaster
Wednesday 25th April 2018

We have found the 1949 programme in our archive. Please read and let us know what you think.

by essex.webmaster
Monday 2nd April 2018

The name of the Bradwell festival has a new name!!. It is now called the Bradwell Gathering and is focused on prayer, worship and teaching.

by essex.webmaster
Sunday 1st April 2018

We have just released the minutes and Warden's reports for February and March. Please see 2018

by essex.webmaster
Tuesday 13th March 2018

We‘re here once again, in a circle, sat round

As so often before, at the eve of the day

With barely a movement, and scarcely a sound

Just sitting in chapel, and waiting for Rae

There are people you meet and then maybe forget

The years, they pass by, and folk come and go

But there‘s an Othona legend, and I‘d wage a bet

You‘d never mistake her for some other Joe

I never did meet such a person as you

Okay, you may say that for each such is true

But something about you just pierced me right through

Like some childhood encounter with someone brand—new... Read More

by essex.webmaster
Tuesday 13th March 2018

Rae Gingell  20.8.21 – 26.1.2018

As several people said at the service of Celebration of her Life, it is the end of an era.

John and Rae and 3 year old Martin came to Othona in the 1950’s and Rae continued to come until almost the end of her life. Over the years she brought her parents and various friends and the stories of her journeys and other misadventures while travelling across the country became legendary, and kept many enthralled in the telling.

 Rae was passionate about gardening and preventing waste and could always be found preparing and cooking windfall apples and other fruit and was knowledgeable about herbs, often making and recommending lemon balm tea which she introduced me to many years ago. She was also a considerable... Read More

by essex.webmaster
Wednesday 14th February 2018

Both the new 2018 programme and 2017 Winter Full Circle have been released. If you are an Othona member you should be getting the printed copy of these soon.

Friday 2nd February 2018
Tuesday 16th January 2018

This new web site will allow us to add new features as and when we require them which we couldn't do with the old web page. It is based on the new site at Othona West Dorset so although the content, colours and pictures are different it will be similar enough so surfing and booking either or both centres will be easy.