The recent Trustee meeting was held in Othona West Dorset from the 9th -11th February. Clare Gough, Chair of Trustees, has written a report highlighting the main points from the meeting. If you want to read these then please click on the link below:

We are looking for someone who will enjoy being part of our community and who has the time and energy to support the work of improving our Essex retreat centre. As an Othona Essex Link Trustee you will be a member of the Othona Bradwell management committee with particular responsibility for the Essex centre, but also as a Trustee of the whole charity responsibilities across the two centres (Essex and Dorset), for governance and strategic direction of the whole charity. If this sounds of interest to you or someone you know then please take a look at the details in the link below:

The recent Othona articles from the Village View, written by Ruth Bull, are available to read on our website:

We wish everyone a very happy and blessed Christmas time. Thank you for your support over this last year and we hope to see you in 2024 if you are not spending Christmas or New Year with us.

The Othona Community is looking for new Trustee/Directors linked to the Centre in Bradwell Essex. You would act as both Trustee to the Othona Community Trust which holds the assets, and Director of the Othona Community Company that runs the operation of the Centres: both are registered charities.
If this is something you might be interested in finding out more about or you know someone who might then please take a look at the advert for the post:

The latest Trustee residential meeting was held here at Bradwell on the weekend of the 17 - 19th November. If you would like to read the chairs notes of the weekend written by the chair of Trustees, Clare Gough, then please click on the link below.

The November edition of Village View, written by Ruth Bull, is available to read. Please click on the link below:

The minutes are now available to read from the AGM held on the 23rd September this year, please click on the link to read:

The Minutes are now available from the Bradwell Centre Committee Open Meeting held at the Centre on the 12th August 2023. Please click on the link below to read:

Many folks travelling to Othona by public transport will be familiar with the DaRT 4 bus service from Southminster train station. There is currently a consultation by Essex County Council on whether to withdraw or reduce this service. This would greatly impact all those who travel here by public transport as the DaRT 4 service is a vital link between Southminster train station and the Othona Community. It is also a very important service for those living in the local area who rely on public transport, including all our volunteers who don't drive. Please can you support us to try and keep this service going. Can you fill in the online survey by following the link below?