Saturday 22nd March 2025
Space is available on this event - Camping or Day visitor only - please advise if you wish to attend for catering numbers
We are having a memorial ceremony and celebration of the life of David Albert Llewellyn James. "Dave". Dave was a much loved member of the Othona Community for a great many years and this will be a chance to share and remember the many wonderful memories of him with all those who had the priviledge of meeting him.There will be a buffet with refreshments provided at the community at 12.30pm followed by a celebratory service at the Chapel followed by tea and cake back at the community. If you wish to come for the day please can you let us know either by using the booking form or by emailing the office ( You are welcome to stay at the community for the weekend (Friday 21st- Sunday 23rd March) either for 1 or 2 nights at the usual community rates (£50 per adult for 24hrs). Due to the anticipated numbers that will want to come and to this celebration we would ask that you be prepared to share rooms if needed.
Arrivals: For the weekend-from 3pm Friday - first meal is dinner at 7pm, for the day- from 10am on Saturday
Departures: 3pm Sunday (For those staying for the weekend)
Costs: adults £50 (Basic Rate) per night if staying. Normal child rates apply- Child rates.
East End Road