As many of you are aware, we have been trying to get planning permission to install a second wind turbine here to complement our energy system. We were delighted to be able to have Alex Schlicke, from Scene Connect, who is an alternative energy planning specalist to lead this, following a successful grant application for £27,000 (Many thanks to Clare Stone for her help with this). The application was to have a 25 Kw wind turbine in addition to the 5Kw already here. Sadly we were informed last week that the planning application has been turned down by Maldon District Council. The reasons given were:
1. Visual impact
2. Adverse impact on footpath ( a bit galling as it is an unwalked path and we had good discussions with the local footpath officer and the ramblers and they were both happy)
3. Not enough info about impact on SSSI Ramsar site etc. ( we knew this would be a problem)
4. Harm to the setting of the chapel ( again galling as our planning man had asked in a scoping exercise what was needed and provided it only to be told they needed something more)
Following this decision we consulted again with Alex. He thought that 1,2 and 4 could be overcome without too much work but 3 remained the biggest sticking point. He thought we could spend an additional £30-40,000 to prepare an appeal and still only have a 50% chance.
This is a great disappointment particularly with rising fuel costs and the impact of our dependence on diesel on the environment. We are currently considering the best way forward. We thank those who have supported this application and wish it were better news.