Work, Worship, Study and Play

Richard Mulkern (21.8.1939 – 23.7.2019)

We are sad to announce the death of Richard Mulkern. Richard met Norman through the Navestock Connection in the 60’s and with his wife Trish became active members of the Community. He soon got involved on various committees and it was Richard who along with a number of others made sure that the Community continued to survive after Normans death in 1980. Through an immense amount of time, effort and devotion they ensured that there was a summer season in 1981. He developed the weekly helpers teams which kept the community going until the 90’s when we installed a permanent warden and with the new building began to open all year. To both Richard and Trish we owe a great deal for their ongoing support at that time.

Richard was a dynamic character and could be quite forceful, someone always up for a stimulating discussion, he was good company and we shall miss him.

We send our love and sympathy to Trish, Christopher, Kate and Amy.

I’m sure others would like to add contributions as well, with their recollections of Richard. Please send these to us at and we will post them.