We are sad to announce that we have had to cancel all our planned events including Christmas and New Year in response to the latest government guidelines. At present the plan is for the Bradwell Centre to remain closed until the end of February unless circumstances change. We took this decision with heavy hearts as we know that many people were looking forward to being part of the Community at this time.
The current Tier 2 restrictions mean that it is almost impossible for us to run Community events. There is real hope of a return to normal life next year and this will enable us to function as a Community again. We feel that it would be not in the right spirit of the restrictions imposed at present to run events that promote mingling thereby potentially contributing to the spread of the virus.
We hope that you understand the reason for closing and would love to see you back at Othona as soon as possible. We hope and pray that we will be able run more normally from Easter.
With love from all at Othona