Work, Worship, Study and Play

Obituary for Tony Sinden

We are sad to note the death of Tony Sinden, an Othona member for many years, and one for
whom the Community has cause to be truly grateful. As Community Treasurer from 1988-1995,
Tony was in charge of finances during the major fund-raising project set up to establish the first
permanent building at Bradwell, The existence of the Norman Motley building is due in no small
part to the skills and dedication Tony brought to the task.
Tony first visited Othona Bradwell in 1964 with his wife, Anna, and their growing family.
A holiday at Bradwell became an annual event in the family calendar and later their children,
Frieda, David, Heather and Philip, made individual visits to Othona. Sadly, in early 1969, Anna
was diagnosed with MS. As the years went on, Tony somehow found the strength to meet the
increasing demands of combining his job with raising a family and caring for Anna. Their silver
wedding anniversary in 1978 was a notably joyful occasion. Anna died in February 1987.
Tony was very much a family man. He was also a committed Christian, attending local church
regularly throughout his life. A graduate in Economics from the LSE, Tony worked first as a loss
adjuster and then moved into the world of insurance, becoming Group Insurance Manager for the
Wellcome Foundation..
When Tony and Rosie first met at Bradwell at Easter 1987, they were amazed to discover they
had both been Othona members since the mid-sixties. Delighted that the Community had brought
them together, they were married at Othona West Dorset in 1989. Tony took early retirement
later that year and was therefore able to devote his working energies to Othona. Rosie meanwhile
combined her new career as a librarian with studying music at Goldsmiths College. Many happy
times were shared at both Othona centres. However, their paths gradually diverged and they
decided to separate in 1996, retaining a close bond and developing a mutually valued friendship.
Tony worked tirelessly as an Othona volunteer, both as Treasurer and later, from 1997-1999, as
Community Secretary. These roles included his diligent attendance at almost every meeting of
every Othona committee! He even formed an additional committee, for Finance and General
Purposes! Clear-thinking, conscientious, and always prepared to speak up for what he believed
was right, Tony demanded the highest standards of himself, and others.
The new Millennium brought a major change in Tony’s life. At the age of 70, he embarked on
his third marriage! Tony had known Chris since she was a child in his Sunday school class. Chris
brought two grown-up daughters, Katrina and Vicky, and a young son, James, from her two
previous marriages, into their union. Once again, Tony found himself happily immersed in
family life. Now there were two mixed families to care for. Before long, a variety of
grandchildren were also welcomed into the family home. Understandably, Tony stepped back
from Othona responsibilities at this point, but even so accepted the unenviable task of overseeing
the Community’s insurance arrangements for a number of years.

In March, just before lockdown, Tony celebrated his 90 th birthday with many friends and family
members. He was on great form! He had prepared a scrapbook of his life and also enjoyed
reading aloud to his guests various passages that had amused him over the years. He was
surrounded by just some of those who knew in Tony a friendly, warm-hearted, kind and
generous man.
Tony suffered a stroke just before Easter and it was clear that the road ahead for him would be
arduous, exhausting and uncertain. He was determined to reach his 20 th wedding anniversary
with Chris at the end of May. He passed away peacefully on July 15 th .
Tony’s funeral on 6 th August can be attended by only a restricted number of people, but the
service will be accessible online via a link available from Frieda. The intention is that, later on, a
service can be held for the larger group of people who would wish to give thanks for the life of
an admired and much-loved man.
Fight the good fight with all thy might! Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;

Lay hold on life, and it shall be thy joy and crown eternally.